Our story

The story begins in March 2020, at a time when the world is undergoing one of the greatest changes it has ever known.

Jean-Baptiste IGONETTI, Weicheng LUO and Dani CHEN, who already had a wealth of experience in education and teaching, became aware of the extraordinary upheaval that the pandemic was already causing in terms of the acquisition and transmission of knowledge.

Their idea is simple, but brilliant:

1. To enable educational institutions to fulfil their mission of transmitting knowledge in the short term, and to secure the recruitment of their learners in the longer term,

2. Make it easier for these same learners to continue their educational journey, support them throughout their learning process, and help them find the programmes they need to achieve their full potential.

This idea has a name: ENOFAP for "Réseau Éducatif France-Asie-Pacifique". It will be launched in the summer of 2021.

Since then, ENOFAP has put no fewer than 1,500 students from all over the world in touch with educational institutions as renowned in France as GALILEO GLOBAL EDUCATION, PSTB and the AMERICAN GRADUATE SCHOOL, OMNES EDUCATION, EM- Strasbourg, or the University of Paris-V, the Business School and the University of Krakow in Poland, the University of Turku in Finland, or ISCTE, considered by many as "the Portuguese HEC".

With around thirty employees in France and Asia, a head office in Paris, three representative offices in Beijing, Hainan and Manila, and privileged contacts in a large number of countries, we are in a position to respond to each of your requests and to work with you to build the educational system you need.

Welcome to our network of collaborative educational innovation: join us on this journey where past and future converge to shape the future of education together.

view of floating open book from stacked books in library
view of floating open book from stacked books in library